Human Resources
Read about how a recent ruling revived an age discrimination case filed by a former HR executive in her mid-60s.
Learn about a pending case regarding sexual harassment claims and timing that will have major implications for employers.
Understand how to cultivate a speak-up culture to reduce risk and promote openness, trust, and inclusion at your organization.
Read more about the court opinion on why misgendering creates hostile work environments for employees.
Discover why the Citigroup wrongful termination lawsuit is a high-stakes battle with broad regulatory and corporate governance implications for the financial industry.
Read about an Ohio lawsuit challenging noncompetes and the plaintiffs’ case for antitrust standing.
The use of AI in employment practices has prompted concerns over potential biases and discrimination. Learn what steps your company should take to protect itself.
Read about the benefits of “love contracts” or “consensual relationship agreements” and how the documents mitigate the risk of workplace romance.
Learn how aspiring GCs are mapping a career path to general counsel.
In today’s evolving business environment, legal departments face increasing pressure to deliver high-quality legal services while managing costs and mitigating […]
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