Legal Operations
Learn about preventing genAI hallucinations in your legal department and mitigate risks such as factual inaccuracies and sentence contradictions.
Discover the challenges in collecting social media artifacts for eDiscovery and the rationale for staying abreast of technology advances and regulatory changes.
Delve into how diversity benefits legal ops as a multiplier and differentiator, enhancing innovation, decision-making, cultural competence, and recruitment.
Microlearning is gaining traction due to its potential to meet modern employees’ needs. In this fast-paced world, where people frequently […]
Find out how legal ops can help comply with EU greenwashing directives regarding verification, social responsibility, and certification.
Explore legal translation’s role in supporting legal processes and learn about the best way to seek out legal translation services.
Ensure your data is AI-ready to train machine learning models and read about how proper sourcing is necessary to avoid risks with inaccuracy and bias.
Learn about building and managing an effective legal operations team, which is key to enhancing the value of your legal department and organization.
Learn more about the ABA’s first ethics opinion on lawyers using generative AI, which stresses the need for competence, confidentiality, and communication.
Read why companies are under fire as lawsuits surge over plastic pollution and greenwashing, with increasing scrutiny on product misrepresentations.
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