Rethinking Shareholders’ Agreements in M&A After Chordia v. Lee

Dealmakers should be cautious about how they negotiate shareholders’ agreements in M&A and conduct themselves under the agreements post-closing.

“Love Contracts” Protect Employers When Workplace Romance Arises

Read about the benefits of “love contracts” or “consensual relationship agreements” and how the documents mitigate the risk of workplace romance.

KLDiscovery’s Eric Mandel Talks AI in Information Governance and Legal Operations

KLDiscovery’s Eric Mandel discusses the Role of AI in Information Governance and Legal Operations in an exclusive interview with TGC.

How In-House Counsel Should Address Risk When Deploying New AI Tools

Artificial intelligence (AI) governance is paramount. Learn how to address risk when deploying new tools and navigating evolving regulations.

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Data Broker Inferences Can be Wildly Inaccurate

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Using Metrics For Measuring Cyber Resilience

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How Legal Ops Can Build A Collaborative Culture In Legal Departments

Judge Orders Structured Negotiation Over eDiscovery Disputes

Understand why a judge ordered a structured negotiation process to resolve eDiscovery disputes addressing search terms, production delays, and privilege issues.

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Measuring the Impact of the CrowdStrike Incident

Measuring the Impact of the CrowdStrike Incident

Learn more about the CrowdStrike incident that affected airlines, communications, and businesses worldwide, its global impact, and its legal implications.

CDK Hack Will Plague Auto Industry For Years

Read how the CDK hack, which impacted tens of thousands of dealerships across the country, will affect M&A in the auto industry for years to come.

How Is GenAI Impacting the Future of Legal Ops?

The Evolution of Legal Ops: Unlocking Tangible Value

A robust legal operations function yields tangible benefits for legal departments and their organizations.

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