Human Resources

Why A Company Sued Its Own GC For Malpractice

The internecine dispute followed a period of cash flow problems and resulting difficulties in making payroll at the plaintiff finance […]

Walmart Loses Trade Secret Case, Ordered To Pay $115M

A California-based company alleged that Walmart agreed to try out its fresh food monitoring technology, then cancelled their agreement and […]

Careless “Offboarding” Leaves Gaping Cybersecurity Hole

Insiders are the most common source of organizational breaches. That fact is well understood at this point, but a crucial […]

Amazon Strikes Back – Sues NY Over “Exorbitant” Covid Demands

Amazon has filed a preemptive lawsuit in federal court in the Eastern District of New York, asking for a declaration […]

Death of Philly Cheesesteak Supervisor Triggers Covid Lawsuit

A supervisor at an Original Philly Cheesesteak plant was instructed to take temperatures of employees as they reported for work […]

Proposed NY Law Would Regulate Hiring By Algorithm

Legislation proposed for New York City would require companies to disclose when an applicant for employment has been assessed by […]

Associate GC, Fired After Insurrection Selfie, Files Lawsuit

The former associate general counsel of Goosehead Insurance, Inc., who was fired after posting a video of himself stating his […]

$10M Fine For Ticketmaster To Settle Charges It Hacked Competitor

Under the terms of a three-year deferred prosecution agreement, Ticketmaster will pay $10 million to avoid prosecution for conspiracy to […]

Trump Diversity Training Order Roils HR Depts, Triggers Lawsuit

An executive order prohibiting “divisive concepts” in diversity training has caused confusion and discord in HR and legal departments, and […]

Remote Work, Employee Well-Being And COVID-19

The COVID pandemic has been a catalyst for changes in the workplace, none more consequential than the increase in remote […]

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