Labor and Employment

Pandemic Underscores Need To Insure Intangible Assets

A recent joint report from Lloyd’s of London and KPMG finds that as much of 85 percent of total business […]

How In-House Counsel Can Protect Trade Secrets

As bring-your-own device policies proliferate and digital storage becomes cheaper and more prevalent, it gets easier to pilfer trade secrets. […]

Employers Hit With Covid-19 Wrongful Death Lawsuits

An increasing number of families of employees who have died of Covid-19 are filing lawsuits against employers. The key question […]

Accused Of Abetting Child Slave Labor, Two U.S. Companies Challenge Alien Tort Ruling

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear an appeal by Cargill and a U.S. subsidiary of Swiss-based Nestle SA, over […]

Tracking A “Wave” Of Covid Lawsuits Vs Employers

There have been more than 300 Covid-related lawsuits filed in U.S. courts since the beginning of the year, according to […]

Gen Z Joins the Workforce

A fresh crop of entry-level workers is about to join the workforce. “Generation Z” is currently the term most accepted […]

Caste Discrimination Alleged In Suit v Cisco

Plaintiff California Department of Fair Employment and Housing alleges an unnamed engineer, whom it identifies as a Dalit, suffered repeated acts of discrimination, including lower pay and fewer opportunities, at the hands of two supervising engineers.

Immigration Judges Sue DOJ, Claim They’re Being Muzzled

The 460-plus U.S. Immigration judges, represented by the National Association of Immigration Judges (NAIJ), are suing the agency of the Department of Justice that oversees the immigration courts.

Class Actions Target COBRA Election Notices

In a time of widespread layoffs, there’s been a spate of class action lawsuits alleging that an employer’s’ COBRA “election […]

Nest Of Legal Issues Will Confront Higher Ed This Fall

Uppermost is likely to be liability for students, staff or employees who contract the Covid-19 virus. In those cases the […]

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