Human Resources

Stylized illustration of an airplane ascending, but with an erratic flight path suggested by its contrail.

“Pyrrhic” Victory For DOJ In Aerospace Labor-Poaching Case

In a case involving a high-level no-poach agreement in the aerospace industry, the Department of Justice Antitrust Division beat back […]

Closeup detail photo of knotted rope.

If You Want Cheaper Cyber Insurance, Tighten The Ship

A post by an executive from international insurer Allianz includes highlights from a recent Allianz publication titled “Cyber: The changing […]

Symbolic illustration: two figures in a dimly lit space shing a searchlight at a stairwell leading upwards.

The Diciest Of Corporate Governance Issues

They’ve gotten more expensive and the range of issues spawning them has grown wider, according to a post from law […]

Cartoonish illustration of woman on a step ladder confronting a stack of preciously balanced shapes.

The GC/Risk-Management Dynamic In Three Companies

An article in Canadian Lawyer reports on a forum that brought together general counsel from three major Canadian companies, along […]

An symbolic assembly of objects: On the left a roll of bills; in the middle tiles with arrows on them, some pointing left, some right; on the right a wooden piece, a bit like a chess piece. Symbolically, that figure could be "liable."

Cybersecurity Failures Bring Heavy D&O Risk

Studies from major carriers and consultants, including a survey from Willis Towers Watson in conjunction with law firm Clyde & […]

Color illustration of man sweeping debris - paper, etc. - under a rug.

DHS Official To In-House Lawyers: Don’t Be “Risk-Averse” About Reporting Cyber Attacks

Too many in-house counsel yield to an “ingrained, cultural risk aversion” and fail to report cyber attacks, says a senior […]

Two young techies looking out over what appears to be a bank of servers.

One Labor Shortage That Could Cost Companies Dearly

At a time when cybersecurity threats are getting worse and there’s a shortage of qualified professionals to defend against them, […]

Person behind a desk holding up a smartphone, with screen in the direction of the viewer.

Workplace Investigations: A Blueprint And A Caution

A two-part series from SHRM discusses how to conduct workplace investigations, following an accusation or a complaint. Part one covers […]

Line drawing of a crowd of people viewed from the back, as if they are moving away from viewer.

Crimped By Labor Shortage, U.S. Companies Push For A DACA Fix

U.S. Companies are bemoaning the possible expiration of DACA, and some major companies – including Microsoft, Apple, and IBM – […]

Close-up of a 360 degree installed camera with a long warehouse aisle out of focus in the background.

State Law And Video Surveillance Of The Workplace

Employers cite many reasons for subjecting employees to video surveillance. Among them, says a post from the Bradley law firm, […]

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