Labor and Employment
California’s new law bans vacation time requirements for paid family leave. Learn what employers need to know for compliance starting January 2025.
The Court’s ruling of the Department of Labor rule on salary thresholds leaves employers to reassess compliance with exemption classifications and pay practices.
The Court explained that Florida’s Whistleblower Act requires proof of actual violations, not just reasonable belief, raising stakes for whistleblower claims.
Read how The Alabama Supreme Court revived the workplace injury case, ruling that the subcontractor’s cleanup negligence may have caused harm despite shared site duties.
Learn why the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has started mandating stricter rules on stay-or-pay agreements, signaling new risks for employers.
Read how the Supreme Court’s decision on the Fair Labor Standards Act exemption will significantly affect employers and could reduce employers’ litigation risk.
Learn more about a Texas court ruling that challenges OSHA’s use of Administrative Law Judges, calling it unconstitutional and granting employers new leverage in compliance disputes.
Read why strict, inflexible deposition limits in an arbitration agreement may be unenforceable if they prevent adequate discovery.
Avoid the temptation to corner an employee into a Perry Mason-style “I did it” confession and learn the right way to conduct an internal investigation.
Read some of the wildest stories to come out of office holiday parties and learn how to mitigate risks at your company.
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