Human Resources

Crime scene, police car and paddy wagon in the street; yellow tape around an area of the sidewalk.

A Specialty Coverage Whose Time Has Come

A new product, variously referred to as “active assailant insurance” or “active shooter insurance,” has entered the marketplace. An article […]

Illustration of someone putting money into a shredder

Home Depot Prevails In ERISA “Imprudent Investment” Case

A judge in the Northern District of Georgia has ruled against plaintiffs in a putative class action that alleged Home […]

Welder at work, sparks flying.

Solid Win For A Shipyard In A Covid Business Interruption Case

The Vermont Supreme Court has ruled on the side of a policy holder in a coverage dispute involving a Covid […]

An index finger pointing to a page that has head shots of numerous people on it.

Legal Recruiter Loses Trade Secrets Case

A legal recruiter was ordered by a federal judge in Austin, Texas to pay his former employer $3.6 million in […]

Abstract illustrationn or design featuring a pattern of slightly open doors in their door frames.

Balancing The Inside-Outside Equation

Legal recruiter Christine Berger takes up a perennial question for young law firm attorneys: Will I be better off ditching […]

Wonderful Company Sued Anyway

Justin Vineyards & Winery in California is owned by The Wonderful Company, an LA firm that is a big landowner […]

Retro drawing of school master raising a stick, about to spank a school boy.

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate For Federal Contractors “In Limbo”

A ruling from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals leaves the Biden administration’s vaccine requirement for federal contractors intact. However, […]

Two symmetical shadowy male figures, out of focus, facing each other and gesturing as if talking to each other.

Dangerous Hybrid: “Psychological” Cyber Crime

Sophisticated cyber-engineering skills are not required. At work here is a new iteration of an old archetype, the con artist […]

Image of human figure on a compouter screen, as he is pulling a rope attached to an envelope that is imaged on an adjacent computer screen.

$600K Phishing Attack Not Covered By Computer Fraud Policy

The operative term for what happened to a company called SJ Computers is a BEC  (“business email compromise”) attack, sometimes […]

Metallic renditon if a guy's head with the top sheared off and smoke coming out of it.

AI Cure For ESG Woes Can Be Worse Than The Disease

Artificial intelligence is widely regarded in the financial industry as the only realistic solution to the massive compliance burden of […]

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