Human Resources
A new product, variously referred to as “active assailant insurance” or “active shooter insurance,” has entered the marketplace. An article […]
A judge in the Northern District of Georgia has ruled against plaintiffs in a putative class action that alleged Home […]
The Vermont Supreme Court has ruled on the side of a policy holder in a coverage dispute involving a Covid […]
A legal recruiter was ordered by a federal judge in Austin, Texas to pay his former employer $3.6 million in […]
Legal recruiter Christine Berger takes up a perennial question for young law firm attorneys: Will I be better off ditching […]
Justin Vineyards & Winery in California is owned by The Wonderful Company, an LA firm that is a big landowner […]
A ruling from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals leaves the Biden administration’s vaccine requirement for federal contractors intact. However, […]
Sophisticated cyber-engineering skills are not required. At work here is a new iteration of an old archetype, the con artist […]
The operative term for what happened to a company called SJ Computers is a BEC (“business email compromise”) attack, sometimes […]
Artificial intelligence is widely regarded in the financial industry as the only realistic solution to the massive compliance burden of […]
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