Human Resources

Illustrated array of human figures, rendered in various colors, with emphatic but blank word balloons over them.

Board Diversity Mandates Hits A Wall In CA.

Two recent court cases have dealt a blow to efforts in California to enhance diversity in corporate governance. A post […]

Shadowy image of part of a keyboard, with one key more well lit. On it is an image of "thumbs down."

Zero For 2: Scathing Dismissal Of Uber Race Bias Complaint In CA

A federal judge in the Northern District of California, for the second time, has dismissed a putative class action alleging […]

Retro drawing of benign judge figure looking at two figure with oversized shaking hands.

Challenges Mount For Mandatory Arbitration

Companies that have been shielded from class actions by mandatory arbitration clauses in consumer and employment contracts are facing a […]

Two objects on a dark background: a football helmet and a whistle

How To Respond To Whistleblower Demands

The company receives a letter from a former employee, alleging the company has engaged in a financial fraud and demanding […]

Three stylized human figures looking at a target with an arrow stuck in the bullseye.

Is This The End Of “Captive Audience” Anti-Union Meetings?

The General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board has issued a memo to NLRB field offices, announcing she will […]

Bills flotaing through the air, with a magnifying glass on one of them.

Shareholder Suit: IBM Cooked The Books To Enhance Executive Pay

A class action securities lawsuit has been filed against IBM Corporation and four executives, including its current CEO, alleging violation […]

Two cartoonish figures struggling over possession of an oversized representation of a chip.

Upstart Company In Pitched Battle With Boeing Over New “Air Taxi” Technology

Battery-powered Air Taxis, which look a bit like big drones, with propellers that enable them to take off straight up […]

Workers Comp Tradeoffs, and a Kentucky Class Action

In an article in Workers Compensation News, Florida Judge David Langham discusses the tradeoffs when workers who are injured on […]

Warning sign (exclamation point in a triangle) on a field of blue squares.

DOL To 401(K) Fiduciaries: Steer Clear of “Cryptocurrencies”

The warning stopped short of an outright prohibition, but its title, 401(k) Plan Investments in “Cryptocurrencies,” says it all. Grammarians […]

A color illustration of a person sitting cross-legged and smoking a joint.

Workplace Drug Use At 20-Year High

The rate of positive workplace drug tests is higher than it’s been in 20 years, according to a study from […]

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