Human Resources

A somewhat abstract illustration of a finger pointing, a fingerprint image superimposed over it, with various object in space around it.

In High-Stakes Biometric Coverage Battle, Players Await A Key Decision

The Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”) has spawned numerous lawsuits since it went into effect in 2008, and some […]

Viewed from behind: A semi driving down the highway at night.

18-Wheel Headache: Risk Management & Coverage Challenge For Trucking Companies

Economic and political factors that are peripheral in much of the liability insurance market are having an outsized effect on […]

Three ghostly or plaster human figures lurking around office desks with computer screens on them.

$15M For “Passing Around” An Article, And No Insurance Coverage

An investment advisory firm that subscribed to a trade publication found its articles so useful it “passed them around,” rather […]

Unidentifiable section of a roadmap on which there is a pin. On the pin is a red flag with a question mark on it.

Will Insurance Cover Companies That Facilitate Employee Abortion Travel?

In states that have banned or sharply restricted abortion since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, many companies have said they […]

Cartoon-like illustratin of circle of fingers pointing to a frowny-face in the middle.

When A Corporate Officer Can Be Personally Liable For Unpaid Wages

An appellate court in California has held that a corporate officer, in this case a woman who was both CEO […]

Cartoonish man figure bursting out of a colorful box.

Iowa Football Culture Investigation Gets Out Of The Box

It’s become a common refrain, says Todd Presnell in his  Presnell on Privileges blog. Student athletes at a university claim […]

Long COVID and Workers’ Comp

Sexual Harassment Wake-Up Call For Construction Industry

A settlement between a Seattle-based HVAC contractor and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) highlights what the EEOC maintained in […]

Surreal image in slhouette; man walking across beam-like structure with cityscape in background.

Companies Ignoring Looming Privacy Regs

The world of privacy regulation was “irreparably changed” by the Equifax hack of May, 2017, according to post from law […]

The Capitol Building in DC at a distance, viewed from behind pillars of the Supreme Court.

What The Dobbs Decision Means For Employer Health Plans

A post from law firm Morgan Lewis details some of the issues raised with regard to health benefit plans by […]

Man wearing suit with bag over his head, shrugging as if he is clueless.

When Does GC “Stewardship” Become Abuse Coverup?

A list of accused sexual predators within the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S., was compiled […]

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