Corporate Governance

Cartoonish illustration of a small figure holding a green recycling icon, while a hand holding a gold coin with a dollar sign on it is reaching down toward her.

ESG Unpacked: It’s A Political Firecracker.

The acronym ESG (“environmental, social, and governance”) has become a shorthand term for social responsibility and a “nebulous concept with […]

Umbrella over a circular conference table, around which are spaced empty office chairs.

D&O Claims Re Cyber & Crypto Are Up; For SPACs, Down

Tapping coverage dispute attorneys and experts from the insurance industry, a post from Business Insurance says that cyber and crypto […]

Composed illustration, front view of a guy holding a globe-like image marked "CO2," and with iconic little images representing green endeavors surrounding it.

SEC Said To Be Hedging On Proposed Climate-Disclosure Rule

Concerned about a potential barrage of lawsuits, SEC Commissioner Gary Gensler is considering backing off on pending climate-action disclosure requirements. […]

Woman looking at viewer. Her face is somewhat blurry, but here hand is in focus, held up palm forward, as if to say "no."

Party Hangover: Potential Executive Liability In McDonald’s Case

A judge in Delaware’s Court of Chancery has refused to dismiss a shareholder derivative lawsuit alleging that a former HR […]

Front view, man wearing suit and tie at a table, making a pile of block, each of which has an illustration. The top block he is setting is green. and has illustration of a hand shake.

Twenty-Five State AGs Sue To Block ESG “Green” Rule

A lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Amarillo, Texas, by 25 red state attorneys general is attempting to block […]

Ominous looking objects in silhouette - screw driver and hammer crossed in front of a cellphone.

Sharper Government Enforcement Likely During A Downturn

A post from law firm Skadden looks at how government regulators responded to previous periods of economic stress (e.g., the […]

Symbolic illustration: two figures in a dimly lit space shing a searchlight at a stairwell leading upwards.

The Diciest Of Corporate Governance Issues

They’ve gotten more expensive and the range of issues spawning them has grown wider, according to a post from law […]

Dark image of a man in a suit sitting with his hands crossed at a table, before a not quite visible person across from him who seemingly is being called to account.

ESG On The Carpet

The Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) movement has produced “an opaque and perverse system in which some financial companies no […]

Bare outline of a figure with an umbrella, protecting it against a rain of zeros and ones.

New Delaware Law Enables Executive “Exculpation” Clause

Per recent amendments to the state’s General Corporation Law, Delaware corporations are now allowed to adopt an exculpation provision for […]

Sketch illustration of a lecturer pointing to what looks like a white chalk rendering of a globe on a blackboard.

Time To End The Taboo On “Worst-Case” Climate Scenarios

A post in the online publication Inside Climate News suggests it’s time for scientists and others, including politicians and risk […]

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