Corporate Governance
One of the functions migrating into corporate law departments is risk management, including assessing the company’s insurance requirements and purchasing […]
The Supreme Court’s March 27 decision in Comcast v. Behrend settled an ongoing dispute between Justice Scalia and Justice Ginsburg. […]
Critics have called the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ambiguous, and they claim it lacks judicial oversight. In November, 2012, the […]
Europe’s governance machinery includes a European Commission, which has proposed issuing a model law that EU members would eventually need […]
A New York appeals court, reversing a lower court decision, said D&O insurance coverage of an SEC-ordered disgorgement of $160 […]
Contractors performing classified government work need to avoid letting the program drift out of company oversight and start to “operate […]
When a company is in financial or regulatory trouble is not the best time…
Some bonuses at UBS reportedly will be paid contingent on the bank’s meeting capital requirements…
Activists, prosecutors and Britain’s prime minister were signatories to a letter to President Obama, urging…
It doesn’t necessarily mean the business relationship needs to end. Investigate to make sure your company is not at risk.
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