Corporate Governance

FCPA Insurance May Entail A Risk Of Its Own

Last year a number of carriers came out with a product that would cover Foreign…

Lobbyists Beat Back CEO Pay-Ratio Rule

The Washington Post takes an in-depth look at the pay-ratio provision of Dodd-Frank and its shaky prospects for implementation…

Satisfied Clients Could Signal An Inefficient Law Department

Legal departments should be aligned with the company’s business objectives and prioritize their efforts accordingly…

Addressing The New Shareholder Activism

As activists have become more prevalent, sophisticated and professionalized, many institutional investors have embraced them…

Bank Shareholders Are Satisfied With Banker Pay

Banks have done better than average on say-on-pay votes, with both a higher percentage of approvals and with approvals by […]

Maybe “Say-On-Pay” Has Nothing To Say

A scathing look at what the writer calls “another example of Dodd-Frank’s ineptitude and impoverishment.”

Does The FCPA “Over-Criminalize”?

The “Over-Criminalization Task Force” of the House Judiciary Committee heard from advocates who argue that…

GAO Study Targets Executive Pay At Defense Contractors

Current cap on contractor executive salary is $763,029. Critics from the White House and Congress have argued that limit is […]

For Hospitals, The Stark Law Snare Still An Issue

Contrary to common belief, the Physician Self-Referral Law, often called the Stark Law, has not been shelved or reserved for […]

Routine SEC Examination Can Lead To FCPA Charge

A routine SEC examination of a broker-dealer led to FCPA indictments of the managing partner and two employees.

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