Corporate Governance

Eight Tips For M&A In China

Don’t be fooled by “guanxi,” make good use of triangulation in your due diligence, and go easy on the…

Death Knell for the Compliance Defense?

It’s time to say “rest in peace” to any notion that on-paper compliance policies can be the basis of an FCPA defense.

How Today’s Shareholder Activists Are Like Yesterday’s Corporate Raiders

The era of the hostile corporate takeover has come and gone, and now shareholder activists are beginning to play a role in some ways similar to…

Spitzer: Fear Not Collateral Damage

The claim that prosecuting corporations is counterproductive because it damages innocent parties is “overrated” and companies should be charged more […]

Essential Liability Protection For Corporate Officials

Any company or individual contemplating retaining or changing D&O coverage and indemnification agreements would do well to begin with these two documents.

After Glaxo, Six Questions Your Compliance Team Needs To Ask

Based on what’s being alleged, there are already some clear lessons for companies and their overseas risk management compliance teams.

Mid-Year Report On Securities Class-Action Filings

The total number of filings remains at a “depressed” level, and the rush of filings against Chinese companies listed on U.S. exchanges has ended.

Compliance Clampdown On Bribery

Why ompanies with overseas business connections must get past a “check-the-box” mentality when evaluating overseas partners…

Canada Strengthens Its Foreign Corruption Law

The CFPOA is starting to look more like the FCPA in the United States.

Sixteen Quick Takes On Dodd-Frank

Three years in, how is the law working? Experts opine from across the political spectrum…

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