Corporate Governance

Another FCPA Defendant Walks After Trial

The chief of the Department of Justice FCPA unit has said pursuing individual defendants is now a priority, but the […]

More Criticism Of SEC's In-House Court System

The SEC’s system of in-house administrative judges, operating under trunacated litigation rules, continues to come under fire, and from more […]

Study: Dual GC-Chief Compliance Officer Most Effective

Compliance programs are more effective when they are run by a single officer who functions as both general counsel and […]

Activists Have Changed, Their Targets Should Too

Tucker Ellis attorney Christopher J. Hewitt says it’s time for shareholder activists and companies to bury the hatchet and reconsider […]

Breach Response Involves Far More Than Technology

Why a comprehensive response strategy needs to extend into other areas of the business, including legal, human resources, public relations, investor relations, media relations, and…

Do Confidentiality Agreements Silence Whistleblowers?

A survey finds that many employees in the financial industry see wrongdoing but don’t report it, and some hold their […]

Survey: Dangerous Lack Of GC Successor Planning

A dramatic increase in the influence of the general counsel in the C-Suite, without a corresponding increase in the attention paid to successor planning.

With Breaches Virtually Inevitable, The Response Becomes Crucial

With a data breach now about as certain as death and taxes, a comprehensive response plan is an absolute necessity. A study last year found that 43 percent…

SCOTUS: Employers Lax On 401K Fees Can Be Sued

The Supreme Court has ruled that employers have a continuing duty to monitor fees being charged for products in employees’ […]

For Shareholders, CEO Pay Is A Big Yawn

In the five years since the Dodd-Frank law mandated say-on-pay shareholder votes, average CEO pay has risen by an average […]

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