Human Resources

Threat By Ex-Employee Invalidates Union Victory at Bellagio

A pro-management NLRB decision, invalidating a union election victory at Bellagio in Las Vegas as the result of a threat […]

Poll: EU Bonus Cap Would Drive Up Bank Salaries

Fifty-three percent of HR employees representing global banks thought salaries would go up to offset EU bonus caps.

EEOC Is Pursuing GINA Violations

The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act casts a wider net than the word “genetic” might suggest…

Final Rules On Wellness Programs From Three Agencies

They must be structured to avoid discrimination based on a health factor.

Can Employers Visit A Job Applicant’s Social Media Site?

A study found more than 90 percent of recruiters and hiring managers visited a hiring candidate’s profile on a social […]

Labor Misclassification Scrutinized

The labor department has made it a priority by working with states and by joining private lawsuits.

Do Bosses Overestimate Their Support?

Those in charge tend to overestimate their ability to earn respect and lose the ability to…

What Is “Just Cause”?

The list of seven factors compiled by a law professor almost 50 years ago is still…

The New Landscape of Harassment Claims

Within essentially the same categories of harassment, new work arrangements and technologies have radically changed the forms harassment can take. […]

New Federal Rules Target Discrimination In Wellness Programs

The programs are designed to promote health and reduce health care costs, but it’s feared they can also discriminate against […]

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