Data Privacy & Cybersecurity

New Patent: Links In Emails Become Grist For A Google Algorithm

Google has panted a system called “Encouraging Conversation in a Social Network.” It activates when someone sends an email that […]

Ukraine Power Grid Hack Seen As Warning For U.S.

The takedown of parts of the Ukrainian power grid in December was highly effective and highly sophisticated. The modus operandi was to…

The SBDPH & the FBI: Forcing the Apple from the Tree

The recent news surrounding Apple, the FBI, and data privacy and ownership has sparked national debate and raised countless questions. […]

Slow Federal Progress On Internet Privacy Frustrates Many

Civil society advocates are dismayed by the lack of progress in establishing a consumer privacy framework. In February 2012, the […]

Fingerprint Technology For Employers

Employers can adopt fingerprint recognition technology for a variety of purposes, including securing physical or computer access and as an […]

Apple Could Face Penalties, Jail Time For Defying FBI

Apple is bracing itself for a lengthy legal battle against FBI attempts to have the company unlock an iPhone that […]

If It’s Not A Breach, Don’t Report It

Often when consultants are called in to do a forensics investigation after a suspected breach, they find that in fact…

Monitoring Employees’ “Wearable Technology”

A recent survey finds that 10 percent of organizations are already using wearable technology as part of their HR strategy. […]

The Evolving Strains Of Ransomware

An insidious new strain of ransomware is said to be infecting 100,000 computers per day. A post from Jai Vijayan […]

Law Failing Victims Of Online Harassment

After butting up against a legal system woefully unprepared to handle the severe, life-damaging online harassment she has suffered, video […]

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