Data Privacy & Cybersecurity


Protecting Client Data When Traveling

“Traveling at home and abroad with nearly unlimited access to client data is a boon for attorneys’ productivity. The downside,” […]

Massive Intel Security Flaw Awaits Patching

Two potentially serious vulnerabilities are embedded in a variety of chips that were manufactured by Intel in the last several […]

Now It’s States That Are Getting Cyber Insurance

“It’s a big budget item for us. But it’s absolutely worth it,” says Utah’s chief information officer. Utah was badly […]

Responding To Equifax

The cybersecurity policies the Electronic Frontier Foundation promotes are straws in the wind regarding public policy. Its suggestions on how […]

Competitors’s Case Vs Malwarebytes Is Dismissed

A case alleging that computer security software from Malwarebytes Inc. illegally classifies a competitor’s software as a potentially unwanted program, […]

Companies Turning To AI For Cybersecurity

Identity and payment card thefts account for more than half of all cybercrimes, and AI-based solutions are thought to be […]

Insider Trading Goes Cyber

The old paradigm involving real insiders, or their lawyers and accountants, is yesterday’s news. Technically proficient operators are now getting […]

Harvey Weinstein Sues To Get His Own Emails

Ex movie-mogul Harvey Weinstein has sued his former company to regain access to his email account, as well as his […]

Cybersecurity Standard For Liability Is Muddled

The Equifax case may set the standard for bad cybersecurity and bungled incident-response combined with the importance of the data […]

Bermuda Law Firm Hacked, Rich Clients Nervous

The firm handles financial matters for wealthy individuals and corporations, and it has offices in a number of tax havens in addition to Bermuda, where it is based.

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