Some of the most insidious and sophisticated cyber attacks against organizations take the form of “Advanced Persistent Threats.” The key […]
The Second Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a trial court decision, ruling on First Amendment grounds that President Trump […]
By today’s standards the job that was done on Nancy Pelosi is relatively primitive. Recently, for example, to prove a […]
The Supreme Court has accepted three cases related to employment protections for LGBTQ individuals, but decisions are not expected until […]
The movie streaming service VidAngel, ordered to pay $62.4 Million in damages for copyright infringement, said it would appeal the verdict as well as explore its options in bankruptcy court.
This year in May marked one year since the implementation of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation. There had been […]
In his take on the Court’s decision in Rucho v. Common Cause, an Atlantic magazine contributing editor echoes Winston Churchill’s […]
The term derives from military history of World War II. Instead of a frontal attack on a big target, the […]
According to one of the attorneys in the so-called climate kids’ lawsuit the answer is yes, and New Yorker writer […]
Oregon joins a number of other state in adding a variety of books about computer technology and coding to the […]
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