Tax departments report up through finance rather than the legal function in most companies, so it’s easy for chief legal […]
It’s no accident the U.S. has an archaic system for tracing guns, according to documentary film maker David Freid, whose […]
Data retention is a double-edged sword. Data can be a treasure trove of evidence, notably in matters involving trade secrets […]
Corporations are currently not doing enough to address cyber risks, nor are those risks being addressed appropriately by the markets […]
Employment law is high on the agenda of many governments worldwide. This Today’s General Counsel article looks at these developments […]
In three decisions over the past five years, the Supreme Court has curtailed the power of U.S. courts over out-of-state […]
The two biggest fines ever imposed under the General Data Protection Regulation were leveled by the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office in July. Both dwarfed the €50 million ($56.3M) imposed by France against Google in January.
A case originally filed in the year 2000 was thought by some to be the opening round of a major […]
Two executives of a CA company that imports humidifiers from China are being prosecuted for failing to report a potentially […]
California requires employers to provide suitable seating at any workstation where the nature of the work “reasonably permits the use […]
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