
A Few Rules Of Thumb About Press Releases

Press releases, even social media posts, can draw attention from both regulators and the plaintiff bar. “Treat your posts on […]

Lawyer Sues MI Bar Over Mandatory Dues

A Michigan attorney has sued the state bar over a requirement that all practicing attorneys join the bar and pay […]

Sour View Of Lawyers From Multinational Corporate Group

A jaundiced take on the legal profession from its purported origin as a loose association of medieval scribes, in an […]

Trump “Opportunity Zones” Are A Bonanza For High-End Real Estate Lawyers

The opportunity was supposed to accrue to people living in low-income areas of certain cities, but this investigative piece from […]

To Defuse Potential Litigation, Defense Dept To Clarify IP Rights With Contractors

The Department of Defense is setting up a new office intended to define, clarify and allocate IP rights in the […]

Former House GC, Took On Obama, Now Lambasts Trump’s “War On Congressional Oversight”

A former U.S. House general counsel, who fought the Obama administration tooth-and-nail on a number of issues related to Congressional […]

Third-Party Workplace Compliance Investigations

All major corporations have HR departments and policies to combat workplace discrimination and harassment, but as the impact of the […]

Is The ABA Defending Money Laundering?

A British lawyer and specialist in investigations and asset recovery says the ABA has come out against proposed legislation that would make it more difficult for company principals to hide their identities.

3M, Litigation Quelled At Home, Said To Face National Onslaught

For years in Minnesota, where the global Fortune 100 company is headquartered, 3M has been fending off litigation based on […]

Trump’s Man Cuccinelli, Former AG, Unsung Anti-Immigration Champion

The former Virginia attorney general has received less attention on this issue than Trump adviser Stephen Miller (the subject of […]

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