Just how wide is the reach of the California Consumer Protection Act? Could it apply to companies that only incidentally […]
With its growing and increasingly visible homeless population, Los Angeles has become a seat of contention over real estate development. […]
Biometric technology is just “a natural outgrowth of how humans have always told each other apart,” according to one attorney […]
In my column in the June/July 2014 issue of Today’s General Counsel Magazine, I called on the Antitrust Division to […]
Many companies, and not just in California, as of January 1 became subject to The California Consumer Privacy Act. Those […]
In the Northern District of Illinois, a court ruled that a company must produce privileged documents that an in-house attorney […]
Purveyors of a strain of malware called Maze Ransomware have added another term to their extortion deal. Not only will […]
A Virginia plaintiff attorney has been arrested and accused of attempting to extort $200 million from manufacturers of a component […]
A law that was expected to spawn a wave of litigation – and which even Governor Jerry Brown, who signed […]
Many readers will remember the Stuxnet virus, which in 2010 infected computers in Iran and caused thousands of uranium enrichment […]
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