Separating lies from truths, in all their various guises, has been called the main and most difficult task of any […]
The district court upheld GM’s claim of privilege for investigations in the matter of GM ignition switch failures, rejecting the stringent “primary purpose” test…
In a case where a company tried to use attorney-client privilege to block some internal communications from being introduced in […]
The Northern District of Illinois found that copying an in-house lawyer “on a given communication does not automatically transform the […]
What should an attorney do when the client has committed or intends to commit perjury?
An ABA ethics committee is proposing changes to the Rules of Professional Conduct that would clarify when a lawyer’s online […]
The collective-corporate-client exception to attorney-client privilege was shot down by Nevada’s top court, in a ruling that found a fired […]
Names of whistleblowers who provide information to the SEC normally are not made public, but in a recent case involving […]
The decisions made in the first few days after internal company fraud has been detected will be a major determinant […]
A ruling earlier this year from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, vacating a district court decision, […]
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