The recent Department of Labor rule that requires brokers who manage retirement accounts to adhere to a stricter fiduciary duty […]
Due to what an industry observer calls “overcapacity issues,” more law firms are subjecting partners to the process called de-equitization, […]
Lawyers should not use “web bugs” to track the location and email habits of opposing counsel, both the Alaska Bar […]
Some good practical recommendations for computer users who came late to the party or never bothered to learn the technical […]
A basic how-to article about how to take the stress out of an e-discovery project, from Joe Mulenex, Director of […]
A report from the ABA looked at malpractice insurance claims from 2012-15 and found that claims have been rising. Smaller […]
Reporting on a recent conference in San Francisco, Susan Kostal presents five legal marketing trends to watch, all with a […]
The 527 plaintiffs in a Korean lawsuit are asking for 500,000 won compensation per person. In U.S dollars that’s about…
Reviewing several current books on the Panama Papers, Oxford’s Alan Rusbridger, currently chair of the Reuters Institute for the Study […]
Since 2008 there has been a paradigm shift across large swaths of the economy, a shift that has “facilitated a […]
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