Outside Counsel
Publication of a controversial rule that would significantly change how an old labor law works has been postponed by the […]
Recent rulings show that some plaintiff lawyers are looking to coercion and fraud to replicate David versus Goliath mass-tort lawsuit […]
In e-mails spanning nearly four years, former leaders of Dewey & LeBoeuf discussed “fake income,” “accounting tricks,” and their “clueless […]
Independent artists are becoming increasingly litigious in an effort to protect copyright of their original designs that end up being […]
Referring a trade secrets theft case to the government comes with risks, including the possibility that the prosecutor may not sufficiently protect the secrets at issue.
A district court has ruled that an employee who sues under the whistleblower provision of Dodd-Frank has no right to […]
Kentucky’s Attorney General, Jack Conway, says he won’t appeal a federal judge’s decision requiring the state to honor same-sex marriage […]
Oil giant Chevron scored a major victory this week in a decades-long case that is rooted in pollution in Ecuador’s […]
The new cybersecurity standards for critical infrastructure from the National Institute for Standards and Technology’s (NIST), developed by executive order […]
Though several Supreme Court judges agreed that making the losing side of an IP case pay attorney’s fees may be […]
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