Intellectual Property
It allows companies that have been targeted by patent trolls to recover legal costs and damages if…
Google’s GC approves, but an IP law professor questions whether knowing the plaintiff’s identity will really affect the number of […]
The Intellectual Property Exchange International (IPXI) is up and running.
The non-practicing entities, the President said, “essentially leverage and hijack somebody else’s idea…
Fee-shifting and more disclosure by the plaintiff at initial filing are among the provisions under consideration.
A practitioner takes a close look at CLS Bank v. Alice Corporation and computer-process patent law.
An IP practitioner maintains it could overturn 30 years of patent policy.
As the U.S. economy has become more patent-intensive, non-practicing entities (NPEs), business entities that do…
Most companies understand the value of applying for patents on inventions before launching a product. But…
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