Corporate Governance

Privacy Legislation Hits A High-Tech Wall In CA

It would have been a first in the state that’s often first, but it didn’t happen. A Right to Know Act that would allow consumers…

Big Data, Little Privacy – So What?

One data base is merged with another until a person’s habits, locations, purchases and personal histories are all part of […]

Postmortem on a Whale

He claims to have a strong stomach, but the gore was almost too much…

Battle Looms Over Fracking Rules

The scenario is familiar. Democrats want federal rules. Republicans want them left to the states and so does industry. Environmentalists, […]

In-House Counsel: Economic Uncertainty and Regulation Biggest Threats to Organizational Growth

Cyber security breaches, fraud, corruption, supply chain problems were way down the list.

Surveillance Court Okayed All 1,856 DOJ Requests in 2012

The law has raised alarms among some European authorities.

Insurance Coverage for Cyber Liabilities

A privacy breach is unlikely to be covered by a standard CGL policy…

2013 Follow-up on a Worldwide Risk and Resilience Study

The study contemplates shocks such as a market crash or a natural disaster, and defines resilience as…

New Standard for “Related Parties” Pending from the PCAOB

The PCAOB is about to publish a proposed revised standard for how auditors should address transactions involving related parties and other types of “unusual” transactions…

Foreign Whistleblowers are Encountering Obstacles

About 10 percent of SEC whistleblowers were from overseas in 2011 and 2012, the majority of them from the UK […]

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