Corporate Governance
Equity-based compensation can create numerous cross-border tax and transfer pricing issues for multinational companies.
Clawback policies are proliferating and taking new forms. A proposal from Walmart shareholders calls for…
An update on the the cyber-jungle of APTs, botnets, Trojans, rootkits and “polymorphic code.”
Beside regulation of swaps and other derivatives, two big issues get industry attention.
It’s all there in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis…
Highlights include the largest amount ever paid by an exchange, as NASDAQ settled charges relating to its Facebook IPO, and […]
A compliance program failed and it cost the company $500 million in fines.
Morgan Stanley did too, and the key was the same in both cases.
A pundit finds them wanting.
In a revised proposal, auditors will still look for risk of fraud and material misstatement in a company’s compensation arrangements. […]
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