Corporate Governance
In the Fabrice Tourre case, the SEC was accused of targeting a low-level employee instead of a culpable employer. In […]
There were proposals regarding say-on-pay, board declassification, majority voting; “zombie directors,” board diversity and…
The IRS is working on regulations that will implement the Affordable Care Act’s nondiscrimination provision,which says that highly compensated employees […]
Executive compensation is under fire in a proposed Senate bill that would significantly limit deductibility of C-Suite paychecks over $1 […]
While general counsel remain vigilant in detecting abusive billing practices for outside legal work, law firm lawyers seek to make […]
Hiring children of powerful foreign government officials in order to gain advantage in competition for business is common, the writer […]
Accounting judgments about revenue recognition, accruing losses and assessing fair value are principally the responsibility of management. A company’s audit […]
The Delaware Court of Chancery found much to fault in the actions of the directors, but nonetheless said there was no breach of fiduciary duty.
Many traditionalist institutional investors are now either more or less “activist” investors or will support activist factions. Companies need to […]
Public companies are now required to disclose their cyber-security preparations, plans and vulnerabilities, but SEC guidance has made it clear […]
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