Corporate Governance
The SEC’s recent shift in policy away from “neither admit nor deny” will make settlements harder to come by. Defendants […]
Legal departments get a warning from a general counsel and security expert from the tech company Unisys. Pavel Klimov, the […]
A new study compares gender diversity at the largest Silicon Valley companies with the largest U.S. companies in all sectors, […]
Going into the new year, twice as many CEOs say the economy will improve in the next 12 months, and […]
Mandatory pay ratio disclosure is coming, with only the details remaining to be worked out, and they probably will be […]
Examples of jaw-dropping fines and penalties for corporate wrongdoing abound in the recent press. They include reports that JPMorgan Chase […]
A University of Wisconsin study found that a good-looking CEO has real and immediate benefits for a company: Attractive CEOs […]
Newly empowered federal and state regulators, including the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Department […]
There are a host of insurance issues that arise in the context of M&A, and they should be addressed early […]
In a rare opinion, the North Carolina Supreme Court addressed the duties of corporate directors, reaffirming that those duties are generally owed only to the corporation itself rather than the individual shareholders.
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