Corporate Governance
While many businesses say they have improved internal audit practices, progress there has not kept up with the increasingly risky […]
Given how much a company stands to lose if a transition at the top doesn’t go well, it’s not surprising […]
A Massachusetts court rules that a part owner and key employee of a closely held company who left and started […]
In the Harvard Law School Forum, John L. Reed, a partner at DLA Piper, analyzes some 2013 decisions by the […]
In a Q&A, Latham & Watkins partners Jim Barrall and Steven Stokdyk consider what the SEC, as well as ISS […]
Executive teams led by a CEO who drives expensive cars or owns several houses are more likely to oversee a […]
“Say on Pay” regulations, a part of the Dodd-Frank Act regulations that allows shareholders to vote on executive pay, has […]
Merger law has been primarily shaped by the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission. Court decisions are rare […]
In recent years international companies have experienced expropriations, cancellations of operating licenses, and contract frustration, as the result of actions […]
The widening income gap between the richest and poorest Americans should concern those who are well off, because underpaid workers […]
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