Corporate Governance

The Evolving Meaning Of “Independence” In The Board Room

Independence in the board room, often considered a solution to the problem of misaligned incentives, among other problems of governance, […]

Compensation Committees Inner Workings Revealed

How do boards determine CEO pay? A study by David De Angelis of Rice University and Yaniv Grinstein of the […]

Fewer CEOs Fired In 2013

Last year the percentage of companies that fired their CEOs was the lowest since 2010. Only 23.8 percent of all […]

Halliburton Decision Could Change The Game, But Won’t End It

The fraud-on-the-market doctrine could be invalidated by a decision in Halliburton v Erica P. John Fund, now before the U.S. […]

Former Fed Enforcers Warn Companies Of Coming FCPA Crackdown

Two former high-level government enforcers, both of whom are now defense attorneys, warn companies that FCPA and other corruption enforcement […]

Top CEOs Make 331 Times More Than Average Worker

Standard& & Poor’s 500 companies pay their chief executives 331 times that of the average production and nonsupervisory worker, according […]

Social Media Policies A Must To Avoid Liability

Social media has proven to be a powerful tool for many business purposes, but also at times a dangerous one. […]

The Evolving Meaning of “Independence” in the Board Room

The SEC and the stock exchanges have rules requiring minimum levels of independence for board members in respect to certain […]

Halliburton Decision Could Change the Game, But Won’t End It

Since 1996, more than 40 percent of corporations listed on major stock exchanges have been targeted by a securities class […]

Personalities, Generations Clash In Story Of Ousted American Eagle CEO

The sudden ouster of American Eagle’s CEO earlier this year was the result of an “old boys’ club” board eager […]

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