Corporate Governance
A list of donors and amounts they contributed to Republican governor campaigns and Republican events since 2008 was unintentionally made […]
The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the $860 million philanthropic organization originating in a family fortune built in the oil business, announced […]
Litigators and information security professionals are finding that their work overlaps, at least when it comes to data management, writes […]
Aguilar said he considered the settlement emblematic of a broader trend, in which fraud charges are downgraded to books and records and internal control charges.
The concept of a separation agreement is simple, writes Burns & Levinson attorney Renee Inomata, but there are some devilish […]
New York Times business writer Gretchen Morgenson takes a look at the Goldman Sachs formula for deciding whose legal bills […]
Medtronic Inc. intends to reimburse top executives for a personal tax bill they will face as the result of the company’s announced tax inversion…
A New York state regulatory official determined that PricewaterhouseCoopers, charged with investigating possible trade sanctions violations by one of the […]
A Reuters article looks at an increasingly common governance issue. Responding to shareholder demands that they take a more active […]
The recent decision by the Delaware Supreme Court in Kahn v. M&F Worldwide Corp. has generated extensive commentary. That decision […]
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