Corporate Governance

Wayward Donor List Reveals Millions In Secret Corporate Political Contributions

A list of donors and amounts they contributed to Republican governor campaigns and Republican events since 2008 was unintentionally made […]

Rockefeller Fund Bailing Out Of Oil

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the $860 million philanthropic organization originating in a family fortune built in the oil business, announced […]

New Cybersecurity Framework Puts Litigators, Information Security Officers, On Same Page

Litigators and information security professionals are finding that their work overlaps, at least when it comes to data management, writes […]

Rare Dissent At SEC May Signal Disclosure Crackdown

Aguilar said he considered the settlement emblematic of a broader trend, in which fraud charges are downgraded to books and records and internal control charges.

The Most Overlooked Clauses In Executive Separation Agreements

The concept of a separation agreement is simple, writes Burns & Levinson attorney Renee Inomata, but there are some devilish […]

Legal Fee Prerogative Gives Goldman Sachs Some Leverage

New York Times business writer Gretchen Morgenson takes a look at the Goldman Sachs formula for deciding whose legal bills […]

Medtronic Will Pay Executives’ Tax Bill For Inversion

Medtronic Inc. intends to reimburse top executives for a personal tax bill they will face as the result of the company’s announced tax inversion…

PwC Gets Fine, Suspension, For Conflict In Bank Consulting Work

A New York state regulatory official determined that PricewaterhouseCoopers, charged with investigating possible trade sanctions violations by one of the […]

More Corporate Boards Seeking Ouster Of Founder-Executives

A Reuters article looks at an increasingly common governance issue. Responding to shareholder demands that they take a more active […]

What the Kahn Decision Says About “Special Committees”

The recent decision by the Delaware Supreme Court in Kahn v. M&F Worldwide Corp. has generated extensive commentary. That decision […]

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