Corporate Governance
The Northern District of Illinois found that copying an in-house lawyer “on a given communication does not automatically transform the […]
Forbes suggests the time has come for companies to create Board-level committees to focus exclusively on the issue of cybersecurity. […]
An analysis of recent and not so recent trends in corporate governance, from Sidley Austin partner Holly J. Gregory. By […]
A recent survey by R.R. Donnelley contains some important insights for anyone involved in drawing up proxy statements, says Winston […]
Earlier this year the Delaware Supreme Court ruled that a company could write bylaws that would require shareholder plaintiffs to […]
This case may signal a potential new area of liability exposure for directors and officers, but the opinion is also a reminder of just how difficult it is for plaintiffs to survive the initial pleading hurdles…
Productive risk assessment requires clear, direct communication among CEO, CFO, CLO and other executives. But when each member of an […]
As an indirect way of sniffing out potential insider trading, the SEC has taken a new interest in reporting requirements […]
New York Times business writer Gretchen Morgenson looks at a study of insider trading activity following company receipt of SEC […]
During an investigation the relator may still be working for the company, possibly taping conversations or business meetings. More reason why any company doing business with the government…
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