Corporate Governance

In-House Privilege “More Difficult” Says Fed Court

A recent decision from a federal district court in Louisiana provides a “ short but instructive privilege opinion for in-house […]

Court Oks Privilege For Non-Attorney Emails

A recent opinion from the Northern District of Illinois sided with defendant Experian, in a case where a plaintiff wanted […]

sexual harassment

If An Employee Claims Sexual Harassment, Whose Interest Does HR Represent?

Revelations about film mogul Harvey Weinstein, and with it a growing awareness that sexual harassment may be deeply ingrained in […]

Equifax Cyber Insurance Won’t Cover The Hit

The expense of the breach could be “ multiples higher than the insurance payout” after the monumental hack…

Are Spoof Victims Covered By Computer Fraud Insurance?

Spoofing, sometimes known as “payment instruction fraud,” typically involves a phony invoice or an instruction to wire funds to an […]

No More Enrons: Why DOJ Doesn’t Prosecute Executives

Many critics have assumed that after the financial crisis of 2008, despite overwhelming evidence of fraud, there was a conscious […]

The New ISO Anti-Bribery Standard

Ensuring compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and similar laws from foreign jurisdictions (e.g. the UK’s Bribery Act) is […]

Lawyer’s Presence Made Firing Deliberations Privileged

The presence of an in-house lawyer on a company’s “Termination Review Committee” was enough to render the committee’s deliberations privileged, […]

Uber’s CEO To Take Leave of Absence

Travis Kalanick, the tempestuous chief executive of Uber, will take a leave of absence from the ride-sharing giant just as […]

Sustainability Accounting Standards As The New GAAP

A hundred years ago, basic corporate financials were considered nobody’s business but the company’s. It took the depression of the […]

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