Corporate Governance
After a resolution that “urges” more equitable representation of women on corporate boards appeared to be having little effect, California […]
The number of federal securities class actions filed in the first six months of 2018 was more than double the […]
Although female general counsel have a base salary that is, on average 6.3 percent lower than their male counterparts, it’s […]
The list of potential business disruptors is long and disturbing, from flooding, tornadoes, and fires to computer viruses and active […]
Many companies will soon be fulfilling their SEC requirement to report on whether mining of certain minerals in their supply […]
With the emergence of cyber-breach risk, there is a whole new category of liability for company directors and officers. It’s […]
In a New York Times article about alleged misuse of the Facebook platform by Russian operatives, the slant is clearly […]
In one case, the company itself got off the hook on the basis of full disclosure and cooperation, but no such luck for the former GC…
“Every statistic I’ve seen shows that executives are the least likely to adhere to policies that they expect everyone else […]
What a difference a year makes. A survey released in November by executive outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas finds […]
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