Corporate Governance
Before cyber-breaches were that big a deal – or at least it before they were making headlines and costing some […]
That’s the message from the insurance industry, or at least as relayed from one San Francisco-based cyber-specialty insurance company that […]
The market analyst’s report was bad news for BlackBerry, coming shortly after the company released an updated smartphone in 2013. […]
Hotlines can be more effective than fraud examiners when it comes to ferreting out misconduct – and that contention comes […]
A disciplinary board of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has recommended censure for former Penn State general counsel Cynthia Baldwin. The […]
A recent survey broke it down by type of attorney, from the top two (“Law Firm Partner”) to the bottom […]
Organizational fraud, said to be costing on average about five percent of revenue, is by definition difficult to detect. There […]
A magistrate judge had a stern message for lawyers from Adidas and to in-house lawyers generally, as he denied a […]
Early in November the SEC issued a stern warning to investors: Be wary of paid endorsements “from artists, sports figures, […]
A lawsuit filed by New York attorney general Barbara Underwood does not allege that Exxon lied about what it understood […]
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