Corporate Governance

Work-At-Home Strategies For In-House Lawyers And Contract Managers

A post from contract management firm ContractPodAi discusses some pitfalls in the work-from-home scenario and how to avoid them. Distractions […]

Companies Pledge To Forego IP Rights For Covid Projects

Sixteen Japanese companies, including Toyota, Honda and Canon, as well as two major diagnostic firms that provide Covid-19 testing, have […]

Securities Class Actions Hit World Wrestling

World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., the wrestling empire headed by Vince McMahon, has been hit with several securities class action lawsuits. […]

GC Should Lead Security Management And Risk

Information security needs to be a high-priority collaborative effort involving IT, representatives from major business units, HR, corporate communications, internal and security experts and in some cases outside consultants

Business Risk And The Evolving Role Of The CLO

Having come from a position of primarily providing legal expertise, the CLO/GC is now a key figure in business strategy, […]

Oil Industry Corruption

In an interview with Alexandra Gillies, Richard Bistrong discusses her work and her recently-published book, Crude Intentions: How Oil Corruption […]

End Times Near? Executives Cutting Their Own Salaries

By the end of March, hundreds of companies worldwide had announced “drastic cuts” to the pay of senior executives…

Don’t Let Working From Home Compromise Attorney-Client Privilege

As a public health matter it’s become a no-brainer, but as a legal matter working at home comes with its […]

MeToo Has Changed Everything, From Workplace To M&A

The breathtaking demise of celebrities may be the most dramatic result of the #MeToo movement, as Jerry Seinfeld once mused […]

Corporate Investigations: What A New Survey Tells Us

Being subject to investigations has become a fact of corporate life, and investigations are expected to become more common, according […]

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