Cybersecurity » Hacker Charged With Stealing Celeb Pics, Scripts

Hacker Charged With Stealing Celeb Pics, Scripts

December 28, 2015

A 23 year-old man has been charged with felony criminal copyright infringement and identity theft after he was caught attempting to sell scripts, email inboxes, unreleased songs, sex tapes, and social security numbers of various celebrities. The hacker, Alonzo Knowles, targeted celebrities’ friends and hacked those accounts in order to find the celebrity’s personal information. Knowles then sent fake text messages alerting the celebrity that their account had been hacked, and asked for them to send their password. Then Knowles would send them a virus and infiltrate their computer. Knowles reached out to a radio show host, offering to sell him scripts to the first six episodes of a television show. The radio host contacted the TV show’s executive producer, who contacted Homeland Security. The radio show host worked with federal authorities to record a call with Knowles.

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