Cybersecurity » FOX News Accused Of Hacking Host

FOX News Accused Of Hacking Host

April 25, 2017

Former Fox News host Adrea Tantaros says the company hacked into her computer and then launched an online harassment campaign to discredit her. Tantaros, who has also filed a lawsuit against the channel for sexual harassment she says she endured while working there, is seeking unspecified damages from former Fox News chairman and CEO Roger Ailes and other executives. Tantaros was subjected to “illegal electronic surveillance and computer hacking, and used that information (including, on information and belief, privileged attorney-client communications) to intimidate, terrorize, and crush her career through an endless stream of lewd, offensive, and career-damaging social media posts, blog entries and commentary and high-profile ‘fake’ media sites which Fox News (or its social influence contractors) owned or controlled,” the lawsuit claims. Dechert LLP, which is representing Fox News, responded to the lawsuit, saying, “Fox News and its executives flatly deny that they conducted any electronic surveillance of Ms. Tantaros.” They added, “This lawsuit is a flimsy pretext to keep Ms. Tantaros and her sexual harassment claims in the public eye after the State Supreme Court directed her to bring them in arbitration.”

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