The Cybersecurity Threat From Terminated Employees

December 5, 2017

An overview of a major kind of cybersecurity threat. It’s based in part on a recent release from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights. The Office identifies something it calls “identity and access management,” or IAM, which it says can reduce the risk. “”IAM can include many processes, but most commonly would include the processes by which appropriate access to data is granted, and eventually terminated, by creating and managing user accounts.” Included here are a number of practical tips that make this sound like a manageable problem, but one that requires some concerted and ongoing effort to manage it. Among the recommendations: Carefully log whenever access is granted, privileges are increased or equipment is given; change passwords of administrative or privileged accounts when someone with access to those accounts leaves the company; and keep an eye out for certain tell-tale signs, like someone who starts coming in uncharacteristically early or late, especially when that someone seems to be asking a lot of computer-related questions.

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