Thought Leadership
Compared to traditional litigation, arbitration is often viewed by in-house and outside counsel alike as a preferable method of resolving […]
Drawing the line between a social welfare group and a political group isn’t an exact science. But what is it?
It’s likely to influence the direction of privacy laws and thus business models worldwide.
“Capitalism at its best and worse,” says Dan Gillmore, investor, analyst, and director of The Knight Center For Digital Media Entrepreneurship […]
The robust “political intelligence” industry is under scrutiny, the Washington Post reports. SEC subpoenas…
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act was enacted to deter abusive practices by third-party debt collectors. Violation can result in […]
In recent years, there has been a number of regulatory investigations and securities fraud class actions instituted against Chinese companies […]
Problems related to electronic communications and web-based interactions can have major legal implications. Therefore general counsel and chief information officers […]
Rebuffed in the Southern District of New York, Schwab has sued a slew of banks in California state court, alleging that the banks’ manipulation…
A spreadsheet mistake in widely referenced 2010 academic paper may have rendered many European policy makers farblondget, for want of […]
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