Thought Leadership
Businesses are increasingly facing class action lawsuits alleging that they have violated someone’s privacy, under state or U.S. laws. Privacy […]
“It is critical for me to quickly zero in on the ‘business critical’ issues …
Innocent people plead guilty because the American justice system has evolved to give prosecutors undue power, Judge Jed S. Rakoff […]
U.S. customers in major markets get approximately one tenth the speed and they pay at least ten times more for it, compared to major cities from Seoul and Tokyo to Bucharest and Paris.
In the wake of Citizens United, there has been a huge influx of cash from outside groups for political ads, […]
An article from FTI Consulting discusses the emerging niche practice of “dark PR” in its various forms, from social media […]
Gene Quinn, attorney with Zies, Widerman & Malek and custodian of the blog IPWatchdog, citing a recent Atlantic Magazine poll […]
Joint ventures are the preferred strategy for cross-border M&A. There are several strategic considerations when entering into cross-border joint ventures, […]
In order to direct a case toward mediation in a way that gives your company the best opportunity for settlement […]
During the last ten years, competition law enforcers in Europe have been busy “waging a war on cartels,” as former […]
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