Thought Leadership
Implementing socially responsible policies and promoting an ethical way of doing business generates profits as well as good will. Socially […]
Legal analytics involves the use of data to make quantitative legal predictions that inform decisions made in both the business […]
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia will be remembered for, among other things, ushering in an era of Constitutional thought known […]
Huffington Post writer Emily Peck cites a Harvard economics professor who says it doesn’t address the main issue…
Men pay 30 cents for a blanket, more for a small wood cot to lay it on. Otherwise it’s the cold sidewalk. It’s a cutthroat business, but…
Some recent studies have dampened speculation about lawyers being replaced by computers and artificial intelligence programs. There is a growing […]
A small group of beneficiaries pay millions of dollars a year to an “income defense industry,” consisting of lawyers, estate planners and anti-tax activists, and contribute heavily to…
Why did one succeed while the other makes no headway? A big city columnist whose wife grew up in Alaska […]
A series of lawsuits before the Supreme Court concerning the non-contiguous U.S. states, Native American tribes, and Puerto Rico deal […]
The Supreme Court would likely uphold Donald Trump’s plan to ban foreign Muslims from entering the U.S., some experts, including […]
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