Thought Leadership

Environmental Cleanup and Recovery for Fraudulent Transfers

The Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (UFTA) prevents debtors from transferring assets in an effort to frustrate creditors’ collection of debts. […]

Is Lin-Manuel Miranda The New Scalia?

The incredible success of Broadway’s Hamilton, a musical written by Lin-Manuel Miranda that imagines Alexander Hamilton and the rest of […]

Goodbye Citizens United … But So What?

Campaign finance has always been a vexed question for the Supreme Court, and it will probably reverse its’ ruling in […]

Prolonged Vacancy “Undermines” SCOTUS, Says NY Times

“Every day that passes without a ninth justice undermines the Supreme Court’s ability to function, and leaves millions of Americans […]

Is John Roberts To Blame For Donald Trump?

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ 2012 vote to side with the majority and save the Affordable Care Act led […]

Trends in Canadian M&A

A strong year-end bolstered Canadian M&A activity into 2016, making last year the most active year in Canadian dealmaking since […]

Case Provides Blueprint for Controlling Liability

The Seventh Circuit’s decision in Thornton v. M7 Aerospace, LP serves as a reminder to companies that purchase or succeed […]

Litigation Guidelines Shouldn’t Undercut Policyholder

Insurers often insist that counsel representing the policyholder follow the insurer’s litigation management guidelines. But some guidelines have the potential […]

Collect Better Data, Not More Data

Corporate legal departments need to collect and analyze data, but overambitious data collection can derail projects. The “more is better” […]

Successor Liability for FCA Violations

Generally in an acquisition the acquiring company assumes the predecessor’s liabilities. The Department of Justice and the SEC devoted several […]

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