
Big Data and Litigation

Attorneys are increasingly using predictive analytics to assess their client’s legal exposure, and improve their chances of success by analyzing […]

Comic-book style illustration of a hand turning a key in a door lock, making a loud "clank."

Another Nail In The Coffin Of Covid Business Interruption Claims

Earlier this month the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia ruled decisively in favor of several insurers, in a […]

Four galloping horses, with two trick riders, each standing with one leg on the saddle of two horses.

A Formidable Stable Of Law Firms For DeSantis’ “Culture War”

Four law firms, including the firm where Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis once worked as a litigator, have received at least […]

Cartoonish illustration of a man on a ladder trying to fix a house broken up into pieces like a jigsaw puzzle.

Ohio Supreme Court Says No Property Coverage For Ransomware

In a unanimous ruling, the Ohio Supreme Court held that ransomware costs to a medical billing software company are not […]

Stylized illustration of part of a huge pile of envelopes.

Yahoo Wins TCPA Coverage Dispute In CA Supreme Court

At $500 for every class member who received an unwanted communication (or “actual damages,” whichever is higher), penalties for violations […]

Viewed from the back, a young boy, wearing earphones, engrossed in a computer screen, arms raised in triumph.

Record $275M Fine For Game Maker

The $275 million fine, for alleged violations of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), was one of two settlements […]

Enforcing Noncompetes Creates Startup Jobs, Study Concludes

Most startups fail, but those that succeed contribute disproportionately to job creation. Startups created almost 4 million jobs in the […]

American Builders Wins Bad Faith Suit Against Southern-Owners

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court ruling that Southern-Owners Insurance acted in bad faith when it […]

White outline of a figure on a black background. He is holding an umbrella, it appears to raining zeros and ones, as if its "raining data."

Cyber Insurance Reeling, May Disappear, Says Zurich Insurance Exec

Among all risks, natural catastrophes have been considered the most likely to become uninsurable, but it now looks as if […]

once in a blue moon

Once In a Blue Moon Privilege Ruling

The idiom “once in a blue moon” refers to something that happens rarely, of course, and derives from the real-life […]

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