Intellectual Property
Last week the Supreme Court unanimously reversed the Federal Circuit, in Medtronic Inc.v. Mirowski Family Ventures LLC. That that may […]
Blocking a major hub for illegally-uploaded material has not deterred internet users in the Netherlands from finding that material elsewhere, […]
An American venture capital firm finds itself a defendant in a $450 million lawsuit for backing a Vietnamese website that […]
With external pressure being put on some engineers to stage a patent strike within their organizations, in-house counsel may have their hands full convincing engineers to file patents. Sarah Mirza with Fenwick & West LLP has recommendations for how lead engineers through the patent process.
The terms of thousands of patents could be shortened after a federal district this week issued a decision that the USPTO has been incorrectly calculating patent term adjustments.
A patent assertion firm targeted by the GTC for making false claims in complaints sent to small companies has turned around and sued the agency, saying the FTC does not have the jurisdiction to interfere with with the firm’s activity.
The FBI has charged two men they say ran a website that offered to hack into the email accounts of […]
The makers of the wildly popular game app Candy Crush Saga have sent a notice of infringement to another app […]
The Supreme Court’s significant IP docket for the year could bring important changes, impacting companies of all sizes and across a variety of industries.
How to use the Trademark Clearinghouse to protect trademark in a time of expanding Internet domain names.
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