Intellectual Property

Big Data, Social Media, and IP: How to Make “Likes,” “Tweets,” and “+1’s” Your Trade Secrets

Big data driven by social media numbers can provide some opportunities for businesses to protect key data-derived insights under trade secret law, even if data from outside social media sources is a part of the underlying data set.

Claims Without Merit Are the Problem, Not Trolls

The term “patent troll” is a pejorative term for a business entity that holds intellectual property, doesn’t utilize it for […]

One Day, Two Supreme Court Decisions, And Frivolous Patent Suits Get Riskier

The Court has made it easier for the prevailing part to recover legal costs.

FCC Undercuts Net Neutrality In New Proposal

In a reversal of policy, the FCC has announced it will propose new rules that would allow Internet providers to […]

Right of Publicity? First, Let Me Take a Selfie

After a recent David Ortiz/President Obama Oval Office ‘selfie’ was revealed to be a publicity stunt organized by Samsung, IP advocates are revisiting the right of publicity.

The Top 10 People You Might See at a Patent Litigation Scheduling Conference in the Eastern District of Texas

The “Hunger Games” attorney, the Linguist and the John Wayne are just a few of the “types” you’re likely to see at a scheduling conference in the Eastern District of Texas courtroom for the patent litigation docket.

Vermont Federal Court Rules In Favor Of Vermont And Against Alleged Patent Troll In Preliminary Decision

Vermont’s attorney general won a major victory in its groundbreaking effort to use the state’s consumer protection law to crack down on “patent trolls.”

Considering The Section 337 Option To Enforce Your IP Rights

There are two primary venues for U.S. patent holders to pursue infringement claims: federal district court or a Section 337 […]

Devices Planted In NY Are Recording, Live-Tweeting Public Conversations

An art project meant to stir debate over privacy and security, two adjunct professors have debuted ‘Conversnitch,’ a device that […]

Congress Urges Ad Networks To Keep Ads Off On-Line Pirating Sites

Ad networks should do more to keep advertising off piracy sites, the House International Anti-Piracy Caucus said in a letter […]

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