Intellectual Property » One Day, Two Supreme Court Decisions, And Frivolous Patent Suits Get Riskier

One Day, Two Supreme Court Decisions, And Frivolous Patent Suits Get Riskier

April 30, 2014

Tuesday’s rulings in Octane Fitness v. Icon Health & Fitness and Highmark v. Allcare Health Management System will make it easier for the winner in a patent lawsuit to collect attorneys’ fees, and it’s widely assumed this will make it more likely that patent trolls – or any party for that matter – will think twice about the merits of their case before filing a patent lawsuit. Morgan Lewis attorneys C. Erik Hawes and David J. Levy take a look at what the Supreme Court said and how it’s likely to play out. In Octane, the Court lowered the bar for demonstrating a case is sufficiently “exceptional” to merit the award of attorney fees. In Highmark, the Court established  a review standard that will make it less likely the Federal Circuit will reverse fee awards imposed by district courts.

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