Intellectual Property

Shrinking Territory: Patent Eligibility of Biotechological Inventions

Two recent Supreme Court decisions have changed how the Patent Office will determine patentability of biological inventions. Mayo v. Prometheus […]

Protecting Trade Secrets with a Solid Nondisclosure Agreement

Trade secret protection of company information has become more popular as patent protection has become less certain and more expensive. […]

Reconsidering the Cease-and-Desist

In the world of despised legal correspondence, few things beat cease-and-desist letters. They promise maximum, but unspecified, efforts to protect […]

American Eagle Settles With Street Artist For Infringement

American Eagle Outfitters has settled after being sued by street artist Ahol – David Anasagasti – over the retailer’s use […]

Courts Applying Gunn v. Minton Must Distinguish “Forward-Looking” From “Backward-Looking” Patent Issues

Misapplication of the Gunn v Minton decision has led to an increasing number of patent cases being decided in state courts and regional courts of appeal, contrary to what Congress envisioned, says Mark Cantor with Brooks Kushman P.C.

SCOTUS Hears Two Trademark Cases This Week

The outcome of these two cases could significantly affect the cost of trademark dispute resolution. The decision in B&B Hardware […]

Chinese IP Courts Finally Up

The PRC Supreme People’s Court has announced the establishment of  long-awaited specialized intellectual property courts. DLA Piper attorney Horace Lam […]

Two Recent Court Decisions May Breathe Life Into Counterattacks Against Trolls

By making it easier for defendants accused of infringement to recover attorneys’ fees when they prevail, this spring’s Supreme Court […]

Tech Giants’ Effort To Curb NSA Data Collection Thwarted By Senate

The Senate voted down a measure being pushed by Microsoft, Apple, Google and other Silicon Valley giants, that would have […]

Courts Applying Gunn v. Minton Must Distinguish “Forward-Looking” From “Backward-Looking” Patent Issues

Since the Supreme Court’s 2013 ruling in Gunn v. Minton, an increasing number of patent issues are being decided in state courts and regional courts of appeal. This trend appears to be at odds with the system envisioned by Congress, and results from apparent misapplications of Gunn, says Mark Cantor with Brooks Kushman P.C.

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